5 Fun Facts About Your Home’s Sewer Line
Traveling underground from your home to the municipal sewer main, your sewer line is a bit of a mystery. Given the foul contents that it carries, you’re probably happy to have it stay that way. However, several interesting facts about sewer lines are well worth knowing. Here are five sewer line mysteries revealed. 1. Sewers […]
5 Ways Sewer Lines Help Preserve Our Environment
Sewer lines are crafted from several materials including iron, clay, PVC, and copper. They play a pivotal role in protecting public health because they keep contaminants out of the environment. Here are five ways that sewer lines make this possible. 1. Collecting and Transporting Wastewater Sewer lines are the vector responsible for collecting wastewater from […]
5 Interesting Facts About the Science of Sewer Lines
Sewer lines are essential parts of our modern infrastructure. They provide a safe and efficient way to dispose of wastewater from buildings, homes, and businesses. But did you know that there’s science behind the design and installation of these underground pipes? There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to sewer lines, so here […]